Helping you find ways to accept new business risks, understand current risks, develop stronger sales, cut the losses from the business, increase compliance and make business acquisition stronger.
Trusted by businesses worldwide.
Losses, whether directly financial, acquisition failures, regulator fines or licence removals or simply repetitional or media attacks can be varied and differ in many businesses. Maybe you have an attack from within that needs addressing, maybe your regulator needs reassurance or you wish to successfully acquire or be acquired.
Everything that you do, must be done right, as successful businesses are not just about selling and growth. Our solutions will get you there....... wherever 'there' is.
Maybe you struggle to measure results, maybe you do not have a business acquisition strategy in place that suits the board or your regulators.
Maybe you need to make sure acquisition targets are right for you and have 'all the bases covered'. We can help you develop stronger understanding of your business portfolio, the risks, targets and and how to evolve your product and sales efforts.

We can help you with new actions and direction, new ideas and solutions or simply make your old ideas and direction much, much better.
Perhaps you have a team and need to work out how to improve performance, add to the team, stop the losses, the non-compliance or understand whether the problems are endemic or not. Maybe you want to develop your management team skills or measure the team performance based upon risk measures. We can help you.
Very often businesses buy a ‘super' sales management or risk management or transaction screening or fraud system, a new business with a complimentary product, people or solutions - or implement a new methodology straight from the auditors, lawyers or management consultants. BUT, are all of these things properly co-ordinated and working together well? Once installed, the challenge is to make them work or change them when they turns out to be not quite right - even to ‘let them run and see what happens’ can be dangerous and costly if not done quickly and completely, and fully understood. Talk to us about making the systems, solutions, acquisitions or people and processes work better for you.
Or maybe there are suppliers or companies knocking on your door every day with a new system - but which one should we opt to buy or use? Let us help you select the right one.
At Riskskill we work across Europe and further afield as necessary, to find the right match for you with the right risk profile, to develop and hone your business, team and processes, set the strategy, find the weaknesses or prescribe the solutions or just find the poison pills and help you get rid of them.
Whatever you need, we aim to deliver a solution, quickly, professionally and with the minimum of work for you and us (so at the minimum of costs); to deliver stronger sales, better profitability and invariably multi-€$£million savings.