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Airlines - Which Ones Will Fail This Autumn?
Published on October 16, 2020 | Bill Trueman
Airlines fail each year. Fact. Many more are likely to fail in these troublesome times too. Most airlines fail in the autumn, so it is worth trying to understand why this is the case. We all know that airlines tend to be seasonal because most of us want to use airlines during the summer; so unless the airline is for business travel only; they will...
Wirecard Acquiring is ‘Dead’: Who Will be Next?
Published on September 24, 2020 | Bill Trueman
Wirecard has gone: one of the biggest card acquirers in Europe and elsewhere too. It was a major ‘new tech’ company in Germany, and only last year planned its bid to buy the 150 year old Deutsche Bank. We now know this was part of the deliberate ruse…
Cash and Sex! But What Will Covid-19
Do For Payments After 2020?
Published on September 20, 2020 | Bill Trueman
The Covid-19 lockdown has already ‘hit’ many aspects of our lives: so let’s predict some of the potential impacts upon payments. Predictions will always be contentious, but we can guarantee more accuracy than almost any forecast from January 2020…
The FCA "Dear CEO"​ Letter
Published on September 20, 2020 | Bill Trueman
Did you receive and action the "Dear CEO" letter from the FCA, dated 9th July 2020? We hope so. The communication, was targeted at all organisations, and especially new and smaller businesses, was entitled:
‘Portfolio strategy letter for payment services firms and e-money issuers - We expect you to act to prevent harm to your customers…’
FCA's Position on Facebook Libra Crypto-Currency?
Published on August 9, 2019 | Bill Trueman
Facebook has 'let it be known' in the USA to a House Financial Committee, that it has selected the Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority (FINMA) to be Libra's regulator. It stated that the Swiss were "best prepared to oversee the global market for digital currencies and privacy"…
Libra Currency – A Threat to Global Banking System?
Published on July 28, 2019 | Bill Trueman
On Facebook’s Libra Currency : "I agree with Donald Trump’s Stand"
It is not often that I feel like agreeing with a world leader / game-show host; but I do. But only on the threatened introduction and launch of the Facebook Libra currency...